Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pouf Mesh Sponge - Sky Blue

Product Details
  • Color: Sky Blue
  • Brand: eBubbles

Customer Reviews

Deal With It5
Listen, I ran out of my bar soap, and all that was left was my wife's liquid stuff and this 'poofy' thing. So I used it. No big deal, right? Except... except, I... I liked it... I actually felt more clean. Now I've got my own (white, if you must know), but I use some of the more manly liquid soaps to balance things out.

I've since learned that the extra clean feeling was due to something called 'exfoliation'. You should pick up a copy of Seventeen Magazine if you want more info.

Does the job without perks.3
With shipping I paid about $10 for one of these poufs. It wasn't silky like the ones from Bath & Body Works. It's kind rough and slightly cheap feeling. It works good in the shower though, only need a little bit of body gel and it exfoliates well.

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